Front Walkway, Front Step and Driveway Interlock Stone
On this job the owner wanted a nice front step, walkway and perimeter stone around the driveway. The owner sourced out and purchased the interlock stone.
She chose a nice white stone which went beautifully with the black asphalt driveway and black main step at the front of the house. I had to convince the homeowner that the black stone at the front step would look perfect with everything else. Laying interlock stone is pretty straightforward for someone who has done it many times before. But, when you are dealing with front step stones that are 8 inches thick, 16 inches wide and 7 feet long, it takes some smarts when you’re not using any machinery to move the items.
A step stone of that size is 100 lbs per foot in length.
The hard part is getting the stone off the trailer, at 700 lbs each it is a slow process. The interlock stones were delivered and placed on the driveway. The owner brushed on a sealer to the main step stones. It brings out the true colour of the stone “beautiful”.
Note: I installed a duplicate step for the backyard entrance.